Puppy Obedience and Dog Training throughout Orange County

Our dog training is based on positive interaction and consistency. Reinforcements such as affection, treats, or verbal queues tell your dog they’re doing “a job well done.” We work with the dog one-on-one to begin training them on the desired commands and behavioral cues that teach them how to follow proper instruction. After working with the dog, we will then consult with owners and instruct them on the techniques utilized to reinforce and create consistency. Through positive interaction and consistency in commands, you will tell your dog that “this is how it is done."
The Benefits and Types of Training Offered
• Private lessons in your home - We come to you!
• We focus on family lessons - Your dog needs to understand his or her role in your family and to respect everyone
• Housebreaking (Puppies and older dogs)
• Basic commands (sit, stay, lie down, come, etc.)
• Behavior modification for timid, aggressive, jumping or excessively barking dogs.
• Separation anxiety / Excessive enthusiasm when returning home modification.
• Canine socialization
• Chewing, digging resolution
• Preparation for "Canine Good Citizen" (CGC) or Therapy Dog testing
• Reasonable rates